Basic Rules of Texas 42

Forty-two (42) is played by four people with a standard set of dominoes (28 dominoes). Players sitting opposite each other are partners. The dominoes are "shuffled" face down. Players then draw seven (7) dominoes apiece, being careful to conceal them from each other. Each player "bids his/her hand" in rotation. The highest bidder wins the bid, selects the "trump" and begins play by "leading" a domino. Each player, in turn, must follow "suit" (if possible). The person playing the highest domino takes the "trick" and leads the next domino. This process continues until all 28 dominoes (7 tricks) are played, the bid is made, or the high bidder is "set". Partners work together to make their bid or to set the opposing team.

Game Objective
To be the first team to win 7 hands.

The player to the left of the shuffler begins the bidding. He may bid or pass. The bid rotates to the left (clockwise) to each player until everyone has had an opportunity to bid. Each bid must be higher than any previous bid. If everyone passes, the last bidder is forced to bid at least 30.
The minimum bid allowed is 30. Bids higher than 41 are made in marks. The first bid in marks can be one or two marks. Subsequent players may raise mark bids by bidding 1 mark higher. When one or more marks are bid, the team winning the bid must take all seven tricks. If they lose one trick, they are set and the opposing team gets the marks.

Each trick is worth one point. Dominoes that add up to five or ten are worth their respective values, There are only 5 "count" dominoes: is worth 10 points, is worth 10 points, is worth 5 points, is worth 5 points and is worth 5 points. Adding up all the count dominoes comes to a total of 35, then adding 1 point for each trick (7 tricks in all) we end up with a total of 42 (7+35). Each hand won is scored as a mark. If the bidding team does not make their bid, the opposing team gets the mark(s). The team to score seven marks first wins the game. Marks are recorded by spelling "ALL" (Each letter segment is a mark).

The player that wins the bid, calls the trump. If threes are called trumps, then the seven dominoes with three dots on one end are trumps: (double is highest), , , , (a five count), , (lowest). When a trump is led, each player must play a trump if he/she has one. High trump wins the trick. If a non-trump domino is led, and a player cannot follow suit, he may play a trump if he has one.
The highest trump played always wins any trick. A player who gets the bid may elect no trump ("follow me"). When "follow me" is called, each player, in turn plays the "suit" corresponding to the high end of the domino led. A player may play any domino if he cannot follow suit. In any case, whoever wins the trick leads the next domino.

When the rules allow it, players may bid nello. Nello is always bid in marks starting with one or two. In this case there are no trumps and the bidder's partner does not play. The bidder must not take any tricks or he/she goes set and the opposing team gets the marks. The bidder must lead the first domino.
Depending on the rules, the bidder may call doubles as: 1. Highest of their suit, 2. Lowest of their suit, or 3. A suit of their own.

If the rules allow, players may bid on sevens. Sevens like nello are always bid in marks starting with one or two. When the player winning the bid calls sevens trumps, each domino equals the sum of both ends of the domino. The closest to 7 wins the trick. is a 7, is a 10 (3 away). If two or more players play dominoes that tie and both totaling 7, the first one played wins the trick.